Monday, February 9, 2009


Photo: Jiri Havran via Wired
When I saw that Wired Magazine recently (Nov 08) did an article on the skate-ability of the new Oslo Opera House I got a little excited, stood up, and maybe...just maybe did a little dance. In High School I did too much skating and snow surfing to actually become an Architect, but I always knew that my board was helping me develop a very intimate relationship with our proverbial concrete jungle. My Senior year I won a Scholastic Gold Key for my photos of a skatepark that focused on the architectural merits of the shapes present and I've always been hopeful for a more integrated public space.
The article in Wired is short, but sweet and can be found here.
"Snøhetta used different finishes of marble to guide skaters looking for rideable surfaces. Acoustically sensitive parts, like above the auditorium, got rough marble that's unpleasant to wheel over. But other areas silently beckon skaters. Surfaces rise up all over the place to become ledges, curbs, and benches—like the jagged facets of a glacier (or skate park). One particularly tempting spot is a 3-foot-wide railing of smooth stone. Snøhetta architect Peter Dang is, ahem, absolutely sure it's skatable. 'Just make sure to fall toward the inside,' he advises."
Another, even more informative and theoretically focused, article called "A Skateboarders Guide to Architecture, or an Architect's Guide to Skateboarding" can be found here.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


You may have seen the teaser for this awhile ago, but here it is - the full movie. Enjoy

Friday, January 30, 2009

NuuLife: Blackpark like never before.

NuuLife Cinema Company - Black Park Session #1 from john swystun on Vimeo.

Buddy shred John Swystun is back at it again with a 'Nuu' face. This Blackpark edit is making waves featuring the riding of my dear friends Logan and Adam Haubrich, Jon Vertsteeg, and even Colton Showers! I hear Logan gets kinda wild with the final shot- BS Double-something 10. Happy Friday.

Daniel Eatock

"Daniel Eatock spent two months in 2007 living and working in Vilnius (Lithuania). He noticed that car alarms were constantly interrupting the peace. The alarms were so sensitive that even a whisper would set them off. One day, out of sheer frustration, Eatock left his desk, found the car whose alarm had been interrupting his peace every five minutes, and waited patiently for the siren to switch on. When the siren sounded, he started dancing like a madman. He made videos of several of his car alarm dances, never touching the car, only dancing to the sound pollutants."- Via